Friday 12 June 2015

Lego TIE Advanced Prototype: A literal lucky bag

So I was in the Lego store I tend frequent (due to it being near to where my partner works), and one of the store assistants mentioned that they still had some left over polybag kits, from one of their promotional days- where you turn up and build a little kit, then get to take it home. So it pays to be friendly with you local Lego store, and to have that VIP card. Because they need that feedback and who doesn't like free Lego?

So here's the contents of the bag- including a spare, clear-red stud. Don't think I layed out all the piece just for the sake of photographing- even though I did. The best advice I got for Lego building is to set out all the parts and separate them by colour and type. That makes building so much easier, as it takes out all the fuss of digging through a pile for that one, tiny, piece you think might have rolled under the sofa or wasn't in the bag at all.

It all went together quickly enough (I'd say a little over five minutes) and there's the TIE fighter done. Obviously, in Lego terms, it's way less detailed than the larger kit- a lower resolution, if you will- nor do the wings completely fold down flat, but they do pivot both ways and they don't flop around. Personally, I love these mini-vehicles. They're quick to assemble, relatively cheap (if you're quick enough to beat scalpers from buying all the polybags), and their simplicity is an art form in of itself. Like when, as a 5 year old, I would take three black bricks, and one red, line them up with two of the bricks that had wheels built into them, and make it into a rudimentary K.I.T.T. from Knightrider. So the little clear-red stud, as an effect piece on the TIE fighter, is right up my street. Brilliant!


Even if you're not a fan of the Star Wars Rebels show, this is a good little vehicle, and a good starter kit if you want to get some Lego for a child who's too old for Duplo, but not ready for the more involved kits. Just don't pay silly money for it if you can only find it on ebay. I'd say £5, maximum.

Company: Lego

Price: N/A

Found: Lego Store

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